Saturday, February 11, 2012

Update From A Mad Runner

A day early I am going to update you with my workout and new dieting I'm working on (I think we women all know there comes a time when we finally have to watch) what I put in my mouths! Along with doing more cardio I have been working on eating better. Dieting has always been hard for me. It's hard for me to cut out the sweets and cheese. I have heard of Weight Watchers and always thought that would be something I could handle. It doesn't limit you of what you can eat but the portions. One of my other very healthy friends (who is also very active) also told me that portion control is the way to go.
So, I am happy to introduce you all to my new best friend...du du du DA!!! My Fitness Pal! One of my friends told me about this app. It allows you to enter your weight, how active you are, you daily activity and to top it off it will tell you how much calories you should eat to lose weight or if you want to maintain. Then you can enter all your meals, your workouts and water consumption! The best part it has a scanner so you can scan the foods you buy, it'll upload all the nutritional info and serving size and then keeps track of all the calories you have eaten and what you have left. So in a way it is similar weight watchers. It really makes you think about what you are eating and how much "room" you have left to eat during the day. For me it's good because if I am hungry or craving something that I don't necessarily need and then have room for more food or something that would be healthier and can eat more. The downfall realization you get too from how much of something you eat and can try to eat just the serving size. For example I was eating peanut butter for lunch, it was actually filling me up until the afternoon when I have my protein shake, but I was not aware I was using about a half a cup and the serving size is only two tablespoons! When I had to up the serving size and realize how much calories a day that is I was so much more conscience on how much I was using the next day. I want to save up the calories!! It also lets you enter your cardio and weights that you do. The positive on doing cardio is it subtracts from what you ate so you can eat more calories!! hehe.

So all my Android and iPhone friends, check out the app and I think this link will even let you do it all online.

Happy calorie counting!! (I can't believe I even wrote that!)

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