Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update From A Mad Runner

Well I'm done. And I was so tired I couldn't find time write this blog! haha.
B, Jenn, Jason, Carter, Izzie and myself made the trek to Cedar City, UT on Friday night. Cedar City is a few hours south of SLC and is more in the desert area of UT. It was a beautiful drive. We got checked into the hotel about 9ish, got some treats for the night and then hit the hay.
Jenn and I went to get our packets about 5:45 a.m. on Saturday morning. It was not very organized in the morning, it was still dark out and the people handing out our packets could barely see the names on the bags. They also "didn't get" the medium or extra-large shirts for the runners, which was very strange.
We then got onto our bus to take us 11 miles up the Cedar City Canyon. It was like the beginning of a scary movie, a bus full of strangers heading up a dark scary winding road. At the end of it, they had about 3 little bonfires to help keep people warm. It was SO cold up there that early. I am so glad I had B grab my sweatpants before we left SLC. They had all people put any belongings we didn't need into our bags with our names on it to pick up at the finish line.
By the time we started, a little after 7, the sun had just started coming up, but it was still freezing!
I had read online how pretty this run was so I made sure to bring my little camera for pictures and also wanted to make sure to enjoy the scenery.  They had a mile marker every mile down, which helped me realize how slow I was running! I didn't have any goals for this run, except to finish it, but I was only a couple miles down and was so far on my song list so I decided it was time to speed things up, I mean I was going downhill.
Everything was great. At about 6 miles down the hill flattened out a little and had some little rollers the rest of the way down. Also it was in the sun more. I was able to finally take my long sleeve shirt off!
The last three miles were all in town and I knew these would be the toughest. With the first 10 miles going mostly downhill running through town up and down little slopes and with the flat areas was so tiring. I didn't stop at any of the last water stations because I really didn't think I would be able to start running again!
I finally finished at about 2 hours and 10 minutes! Yay! I was hoping to be right around 2 hours so I was very excited with this time. Jenn also finished within her goal so I would say this was a very successful 1/2 marathon!

I think I am going to take a couple weeks off before I run again!

Here are some pictures of the run....sorry they are blurry, I was running when I took most of them.

 at the start line, just barely warming up!
 Still the beginning
 I realized here at about mile 3 how much further I had to go
 This is around miles 6-8
 Mile 10! I was ready to be done!
 Finished it! Holla!
B and Carter! Carter loves him!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update From A Mad Runner

This is it!!
Saturday is the day, my first half marathon. I think my friend found a great one for us to do for the first (and possibly last) one that I do. It seems to be a mild down hill run through a gorgeous canyon in Southern Utah. I have only been in Southern Utah for a 5k a couple years ago and it was beautiful!  I am excited for this, 1. for a weekend away and 2. to be done training, hehe.

Since I have been slacking on training the last month or so, I really kicked it into gear last week. I ran my 10 mile run on Friday before I went to Minneapolis for the weekend. It went relatively well, I used one of my GU's to test one.

I spent Saturday through Tuesday afternoon in Minneapolis with my pregnant sister! It was so good to finally see her before she has her baby. I am so excited to be an aunt! We also need to get our skype set up so I can see the baby as much as possible!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Update From A Mad Runner

"Our greatest battles are that with our own minds.” Jameson Frank

This is 100% true for me and my training. 
My last post did nothing to help motivate me to get back into training mode! Only a few short weeks and the big half is here. 
This week started out very slow and non-productive. I didn't do a workout Monday-Wednesday. I mean NO WORKOUT. NOTHING! "What is wrong with you" you say, I guess I like a challenge;)
I decided that I would make sure and run Thursday, Saturday and Monday, and that I did. I have realized why I am getting so burned out, and I have decided that it is from running during the week. Yes, I will find a reason as to why I am lazy and of course it's not because I found a GREAT deal on something and NEED to go and buy is ASAP or that a glass of wine is calling me name after work. Not the reason. 
A 4.5 mile run started out my big kick in the a** that I need to make sure I can make it through this marathon. I went to liberty park to run, this alone is a huge motivator as why would I ever drive somewhere and then not do what was the only reason I went there to do. That's like driving to the gym and changing and then decided to just go home (and yes I have done this...sadly multiple time) To my utter surprise the only thing that was different from this run that before is my lungs hurt. Only the first lap, so be it. 
Saturday B and I decided to make the most of our Labor day 3 day weekend, we laid around all day. Finally I got my but off the couch, went to Sugarhouse park and made it through 6 miles right before the sun went down. Fall is really coming quick. 
Monday, another semi lazy day, except I exercised my credit card and hit up some labor day sales, took Izzie to the dog park and then went on my run before Bachelor Pad. Nine miles today and happy to say "I'm Back". Yep, made it the whole time. Went back to Sugarhouse park and ran around it. This park has helped more I think because it has a couple small hills 2 up 2 down. Just little rollers but has helped me keep my pace and not as boring as running on the flat roads and Liberty. 
For the rest of the week I am planning on doing a couple miles Wednesday, arms and leg workouts and then another long run on Friday before I leave for my Mini Trip to Minneapolis to my sister's baby shower! So excited to see her pregnant belly for the first time! 

Izzie after the dog park so happy and tired.