Friday, November 16, 2012

What I Love...

This week has been busy, fast and I'm so thankful it's almost over! Don't you love it when weeks go by fast, I know I do.
I'm also thankful for:
.being able to spend my life with someone who knows my likes, what pisses me off, deals with my insanity and doesn't let me yell at him for no one deserves that.
.our silly stinky chubby dogs. No matter how pissed I get at them, I can't stand how much I love them both and will never get rid of them, no matter how many times I threaten it.
.a crazy goofy family that is so weird they make me seem like the normal one;) (that's a total lie, mostly likely opposite)
.amazing friends. Nothing can beat a good convo with a great friend.
.my two nephews. They make me laugh and are so cute. They've also taught me to be patient. Not that I am with them (cause they aren't my kids of course) but that I need to 'learn' to be more patient.

.I'm extremly thankful, excited, nervous for the baby we're expecting. Even more so now that I am in the second trimester, feeling better, new loose pants and leggings that stretch for this growing belly. I can not wait to meet this child and want nothing more than a healthy happy baby.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two In a Row

Posting two days in a row...what can I say I'm maybe back at it? I feel like I've been down this road before though so I know I'm not keeping my hopes up. 
But the only reason I wanted to do this quick little tidbit is because I didn't want to miss out on Everybody, Everywear. It's been months and I had to get in this one with it being boots and all. Seriously It is boots weather!

Layer it up is all I'm thinking in the mornings when I'm getting ready and with the snow still melting away and a little bit of ice covering out steps and parking lot I have to say these are my go to boots. Not only are they so comfortable, I love the color and the buckles on the side. Also I'm loving my new denim jean jacket. I found this perfect fitting Guess one at Ross this weekend for a steal! It's going to come in handy this winter as a removable layer during the day. 

Leopard, plaid, grey, brown...yeah that's how I roll, sometimes it looks like I dress in the dark!

Image 5687

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello are you still there?

So I know I've been basically not even a blogger lately. I feel like I have nothing to talk about but so much at the same time. So right now I'm just trying to keep my two readers happy.  I thought I'd Make this "come back" post a quick easy little recipe you can try at home. (Also because Blogger is acting up quite a bit, I don't know if it is because of Blogger or just my computer since I haven't written a post on here in a while!)

Anyways, I found an amazing new blog thanks to a friend I met through work this summer. It is called Iowa Girl Eats.  She has amazing food recipes, I find myself pinning most of her recipes whenever she posts. I actually took a break from being a lazy wife and cook and made a new recipe that she had the other day. (Patting myself on the back right now)

Her recipe of course is a little more fancy than what I actually did, but her recipe is easy as pie so I'll attach the link here and you can check out her amazing blog as well.

If you know me at all you know I was sold with the Mac & Cheese part.
You'll want to link over to her post directly for the full recipe, it looks amazing. I cut a few corners.

What I did:
1 lb Turkey meat
1 can Diced Fire Roasted Tomatoes
1 can Tomatoe Paste
1 box Mac & Cheese
1 can Black Beans

The only reason I changed it up a bit is because I don't like onions, I had a carton of beef broth but since I had it for about two years and never used it and was no longer good. Not only that but I didn't want to go to the grocery store to pick up like two items. (I'm lazy)

1. Brown meat, mix in can of diced tomatoes and the tomatoe paste and beans (you can use any beans you want) do not drain the cans.
2. Start your Mac and Cheese box. Make completely, inc the cheese.
3. Mix together and tadaa. You have your self a Midwestern hotdish!

It was so good, and I think it was so full of taste because of the fire roasted diced tomatoes I had. Try this out for a quick easy tasty dinner.

p.s. Just to explain that it actually is good, B actually ate the leftovers, on his own, making that decision by himself. . This coming from a guy who never eats leftovers, unless 1) I make him 2) he's wasting away.