Monday, August 1, 2011

Update From a Mad Runner

"Have you ever heard of Idgie Threadgoode?"

I can officially say I worked out last week. I ran THREE days. Cwazy I know.

Monday and Wednesday I was able to pull myself away from the DVR to get out and run 1.5 miles. Monday it was hot out but I still made it outside...actually I had to because the treadmill and elliptical were in use by the lazies that live in my complex. (No, I do not group myself in with the lazies). It was hot out but I found a nice route that feels like the Liberty Part route, except for the industrial buildings and traffic opposed to trees and no vehicles. I also had to walk the last half of the block because of a side ache.

Wednesday was like heaven, I was able to use the clubhouse treadmill, and even better the TV was working!  For the past two months I was emailing our HOA company to get the TV channels working again. They kept telling me that they found a local cable company that would do it for free but there would only be 30 or so channels. I always informed them that I don't care if there is two channels, but it is not working. So it was either myself or another smart ass that lives there, but they finally went back to Direct TV and it works! I ran my 1.5 miles in peace and "Say Yes To The Dress".

Both days I did push ups and abs after, while watching reality TV of course. My Nike workout's have been pushed to the back burner as now I am too lazy after running to do a full 15 minutes of abs, arms or legs. Typical.

Friday I was going to do a run or at least a work out when I got home, but it was hot, humid and I just didn't feel like doing a damn thing. I put on shorts, watched TV and cooked dinner. Then hit up a night run to Target for some goodies and a baby shower gift for a friend.

Saturday was the big day. I slept in, took Izzie out and found no one in the workout room again and was able to run in peace. I got there right when "Fried Green Tomato's" started and by the time the first commercial came around I was also in 1.5 miles and made my way to 2 miles. I had a nice chat with another lady working out about how wonderful that movie is and even made it through a Nike Work out when I got back to my place. I must have done enough workouts on it to make them think I'm bored or something (I usually only do 1 of 5 out of about 30+ workouts, so no, I'm not bored) because there was a link to unlock a new workout named after one of the USA Woman's Soccer players. it intrigued me and I unlocked it only to be running in place and doing to taps on the floor for 15 minutes. Hey, I'm not much of a soccer fan, but that gave me a huge side ache!

Sunday I shopped.....enough said.

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