Thursday, May 10, 2012

SMoothIE SEasON!

After my run the other day I didn't want to eat a full meal and I didn't just want my protein shake. It's getting warm out finally and I remembered the ingredients I have on had for smoothies so I thought I would try something out.

First off when I make stuff I don't usually follow a recipe exactly or measure a lot of stuff. But I got my idea from Leigh Ann's post and used it as a guide.

What I used:

1/2 cup cooked oatmeal with Almond Milk (my fav!)
About 2 handfuls of frozen fruit mix
1 Scoop of protein (I used B's cookies and cream flavor and not quite a full scoop)
1/3 cup Greek Yogurt
Almond Milk (unk amount, I just poured it in until my smoothie was the texture I liked)

Cook oatmeal and start mixing rest of ingredients into blender.
Blend and add the Almond Milk until the smoothie is how you want it.


1 comment:

  1. Looks delish! I had one very similar tonight~ Refreshing summer treat!
    Hope you are enjoying the midwest! :)
